Geography of Arthe

Below are some prominent geographic features. More will be added as more are named/created. This will happen as the narrative requires me to name more places.

Neirh River - The southern border of Belgentium, it flows through Fulstead, ultimately into the Ribecarian Gulf, and forms most of the border between the Republic and Monarchy.

Anaplian Mountains - The north-eastern border of Belgentium, they form the northern section of the border between the Republic and Monarchy.

Saragian Peninsula - A large peninsula in the south west controlled by the Republic.

Redwater Mountains - A mountain chain running along part of the southern coast of the Saragian Peninsula.

Nethgo - A large city in the Republic located to the north of the Saragian peninsula, a portion of its economy reliant upon the meat trade.

Ribecarian Gulf - A gulf between the Saragian Peninsula and the mainland.

Rhodynene Archipelago - A chain of islands in the Ribecarian Gulf, it is mostly controlled by the Republic with the exception of a few Arguanican islands in the eastern part.

Tastian Mountains - The largest and tallest mountain chain of the continent, in the eastern Monarchy.

Antandene Lake - The largest lake on the continent, at the foot of the Tastian Mountains. The area around it is geothermally active.

Antandene River - A river flowing from Antandene lake into the Sea of Annakios.

Myrabion Mountains - The northern border of Axoria, Liethenia, Serapotopia, and Elsinia.

Mestleos - The capital of the Monarchy.

Fulstead - The capital of the Republic.

Ericica - The capital of Axoria.